Thursday, December 31, 2009

Picks of the year !!!!

Amidst the chilling cold and freezing winds , finally the last night of the year arrives. On the eve of new year their would be lots of celebrations, news channel will roll the reel back, entertainment channels will arrange the circus of Bollywood stars. So, making hay while the sun shines ( although it rarely do now a days !!!) , i also try to dirty my hands in picking some moments of mine throughout the year.
Disclaimer : All comments are personal by me, and any resemblence with alive or dead would be considered co-incidental !!! ...

So, lets start now :
1. Loosing "Virginity"
No... No... No, its not what you all are thinking. Its about loosing my virginity regarding alcohol. After 23 years of resistance, i finally sucuumbed to the pressure of alocohol when i first drank a peg on 1st Jan 2009. Well, about expirience, 1 peg seemed very normal, 2nd peg... some thing started shaking and 3rd peg.. i puked !!!.... After that, i had some further misadventures with it, but now i am sure that me and alcohol are not a happy couple.
2. Group Sangraam
Well, meanwhile i got first of my mba call from IMT Ghaziabad ( Which is where i ended). I had practiced GD/PI rigorously in my coachings, so i was confident of doing well. So when we were seated in a group we were 16 in number ( or was it a crowd !!) and then the moderator announced the time limit "8" minutes , like a ration quota in a famine stricken area. So, as soon as the signal is given, all the loaded missiles shot at once. No body was listening to any body, some were speaking to fan and some were to floor. The best part , though, was " stop pointing your finger towards me " :) :)
3. Bharat Darshan
Due to my desperation of fleeing from my job, i applied to all the MBA colleges , i had heard the names of !!!. so, march was the month where i started the exploration of "incredible" india !.. My first destination was Manipal ( TAPMI).. and to all of my horrors, the train didnt stopped at the station. It stopped 90 kms away and then i have to came back, and i reached the institute, just before the gates were being closed. Then i had a "jab we met" journey from mangalore to Chennai. BIM profs screwed me hard . But the trip ended very well , with my seat upgraded to 2nd AC from the 3rd AC on return journey.
4. Jahapanah ....Tohfa Kabool ho !!!
Although it was not exactly the "tohfas" as depicted in the new amir's flick "3 idiots", the most popular 'PDP' program of IMT Ghaziabad was very much same in the spirit. To non-imtians.. this is an softer version and euphemism for 'R" word in the boarding schools. Newly arrived bacchas, almost forget what sleeping means.... but its lot of fun doing some bizzare things that you would not have done in a sane mood. The best part is "shav-asan" in the morning yoga ....
u dont know why ??? just lie down in the same pose on a clean sheet for 2 mins !!!
5. "Gravity of Situation "
The chances are that you must have felt it some times in your life, but it is very common in IMTian Life. If you are not feeling it, you would be constantly reminded by some Zombie committee people time and time again. If you want to have the expirience of "Nazi Concentration camps" just attend their open houses. Any ways jokes apart, i really salute the efforts they put in and i really appreciate their hard work and spirit. Kudos to u guys !!!!
6. Sir... Actually.... We are coming to that...
A MBA life is synonumous to presentations.At the end of every day, you will find yourself making one presentation or another. So, when i was standing in front of class, with some muscles of my leg vibrating, equipped with a shabby presentation prepared last night , last thing i wanted is the prof interjecting in between. And to every questions of his, the standard answer was " Sir .. actually.. we are coming to that point.. we have covered in further slides... " and it continued till the " Thank You" Slide !!!
7. "Immediately "
During the much awaited weeks.. a cherubic female voice, announces this as a signature word. Although , the important words precede this "immediately". If you happen to hear your name, then it sounds nothing less than honey to your ears.

So, these are some of the picks of the year for me... although some are classical but not to mention here like " dont touch me i have a boy friend ( after boozing !!!)..." to " i got the imt blues !!!! "....

Wishing all of you ( The patient readers , thats why i kept this part last :) ), a very happy and prpsperous 2010. May god bless you all...

Adieu for the last tym in 2009.....
Yours truly


  1. Very interesting read!! :)
    When it comes to 'Picks of the Year', i'm sure it was eventful enough to list out 10 events rather than limiting it to 7.. As for the opening pick, my eyes literally popped out!! :P Interesting way to catch the reader's attention. Indeed, sex sells!!
    Regarding the Gravity part, you sure do not want to mess with the wrong people. Again, interestingly put; you first stab them, and then wish them a speedy recovery. :P
    Btw, regarding the 'Immediately' pick.. i'm not sure if what i understood is what you intended. Care to elaborate a little more. :)
    Finally, i thought this post was more appropriate in your personal blog, than having it in imt-confluence.
    Anyways, wish you also a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

  2. I liked the 7th point. Just hope that 'cherubic' girl doesn't read it ! :)

  3. Hi sminesh... actually 7 is a lucky number naa.. after all i am a bit superstitious... immediately ka secret mein baad mein batata hoon..
