Monday, September 7, 2009

Can implementing an idea change our life ?

I believe that Global warming is not a farce. There is research involved in what I think. I have observed this year’s maximum and minimum temperatures till date based on their deviation from normal. They were commonly 3-4 degrees above normal most of the days for major number of cities. Rainy season beckoned and so the expectation of rains arose. But to dismay of many farmers the rain gods refuse to shower their blessings. Farming has been affected and it may tighten the supply of food grains. Winter last season was hardly a case for pullovers. The minimum temperature at Delhi was 8 deg. Celsius, which is quite high as compared with earlier climate trends.

High volumes of toxic gases are pervading throughout the atmosphere. These gases are effused by automobiles and factories. The gases react with ozone layer higher up in the atmosphere and cause it to deplete. The ozone layer performs an important function of absorbing Sun’s harmful U-V rays. So the depletion causes more heat to reach the surface of the earth. Thus the observations can be concluded.

Automobiles cannot be decimated, neither can the factories producing equipments by using electricity. Transportation is a business enabler for efficient trade and tariff. Also it is an unavoidable means for people now. We are dependent on electricity just like heartbeat.

How to tackle the impending doom? Its surely a case to research and implement new less polluting technologies, but that’s already in process and may take some time. Think of replacing old systems in India and you will realize how difficult it is! The safety measures have to be prohibitive.

Plants. We all love them. We want to have them near us. Whenever we stroll for a morning walk or a casual conversation with our friend(s), we are fascinated by the divine environment surrounding us. What’s so special about them?

Plants emit oxygen. They absorb Carbon dioxide. Thus we need more plants. Trees are a larger sink for Carbon dioxide, but they cannot be afforded by public in general.


As an indispensable measure to counter global warming, the government must force plantation of more trees. Green belt area should be increased and afforestation should be the focus. But, its easier said than done. With a huge population to suffice, there is huge pressure to utilize scarce resources. The globalization is waiting to sweep forests in some areas and convert them into land of factories and industries.

Thus the onus lies on WE, THE PEOPLE. My mind twinkles to exclude lower strata of society. But, going by their dominant number, they need to be approached. Buying plants is not a feasible proposition to them. If the rates are subsidized, they can think twice. Middle income group hopefully has some plants around their home. They need to show more enthusiasm. Suppose a firm sell plants. It has a distribution network across India. You call them and ask which plant is a highest absorber of Carbon dioxide! They reply and then you place the order for five such plants and within one day, the plant is in your garden.

B-plan ?

Where is the business in it ? Who will buy plants ? Who will sell plants to earn profits ? These questions can be answered positively by each one of us. We have to be prescient, proactive and precocious. We all know the concept of insurance. Its purpose is to provide benefits at later stages of life. What I am trying to portray here is the earth is increasingly becoming incapable of sustaining pollution. We need to heal it. We can’t stop the processes festering the environment, but we can medicate to prolong the resistance. More the plants, quicker will be the healing.

It’s all about keeping your mind open and realizing the inevitable future. This B-plan is entirely dependent on people’s propensity to buy future for themselves and their children. I know, people will say this is a killing of marketing. Don’t jump to conclusions. This idea is hinged on the efficacy of social marketing.

People must be imparted knowledge about the environment and the urgency of an action. Various NGOs are already there but they don’t cover a sizable audience. A better path will be government intervention and formulation of policy assisting people buying plants. For example, a tax rebate if the person has bought 25 plants/year. As explained earlier, there can be subsidy on buying plants for lower income group.

Ideas breed action. Lets think and discuss if we can take forward this idea and bring about a change. The change we want, the change which will ensure Earth a 'cool' life!

1 comment:

  1. The idea is noble.. and also deals with a contemporary issue. One thing which i want to say is that, now a days people face problem of space crunch. So, the scope of having a personal garden is limited. Anyways, Social marketing.. Kotler would have been proud of you.
