Ritesh was back at his hometown after four months of gruelling assignment at Chennai. He had resigned from the job and was looking forward to new experience in B-school. Before he could tighten things up, it was imperative that he relax his mind during this phase of transition. He had quite a few days to gather knowledge about the course, develop some basic understanding and also, reflect on his past choices and decisions. Unable to shed the carefree spirit at home, he couldn't help watching T.V. This was also the time spent with his parents. Ritesh wasn't interested in watching daily soaps. It were reality shows which caught his attention. Given his penchant for dancing, he enjoyed dance shows the most.
It was few years ago that he first watched the video of MJ at his best. He downloaded the video and watched MJ's steps numerous times, trying to figure out the mechanics of his movements. He tried to imitate him, but was unable to match his perfection. Being shy, Ritesh used to ensure solitude before practicing his dance movements. He was wary of the humorous reactions which his steps would invoke. Yes, for him, MJ was the god of dancing.
After making a long run around the mini stadium, Ritesh went back tired. He wasn't sleeping as much as he would've liked. A spontaneous nap followed. When he woke up, there was bewilderment written all over his face. He switched on the T.V. and searched for breaking news. He had dreamt something he never expected. Why the hell that dream ? Why can't he ignore it ? Next morning, he frantically grabbed the newspaper and perused the headlines. Relieved he was, but all this fuss over a dream ?
Soon, Ritesh went to study management at a reputed B-school. In that 15 acres campus, he could learn so much. Everyday's schedule was busy to the core. Even to talk to his parents, he did not have the liberty of picking the phone. Food at Mess was healthy and hygienic. Also, two T.V. sets were installed at the Canteen. Ritesh wished he could watch according to his choice. The thought was futile considering the huge number of students. Most of the times, a news channel was watched (unanimously).
One such day, MJ's death was announced.
It was few years ago that he first watched the video of MJ at his best. He downloaded the video and watched MJ's steps numerous times, trying to figure out the mechanics of his movements. He tried to imitate him, but was unable to match his perfection. Being shy, Ritesh used to ensure solitude before practicing his dance movements. He was wary of the humorous reactions which his steps would invoke. Yes, for him, MJ was the god of dancing.
After making a long run around the mini stadium, Ritesh went back tired. He wasn't sleeping as much as he would've liked. A spontaneous nap followed. When he woke up, there was bewilderment written all over his face. He switched on the T.V. and searched for breaking news. He had dreamt something he never expected. Why the hell that dream ? Why can't he ignore it ? Next morning, he frantically grabbed the newspaper and perused the headlines. Relieved he was, but all this fuss over a dream ?
Soon, Ritesh went to study management at a reputed B-school. In that 15 acres campus, he could learn so much. Everyday's schedule was busy to the core. Even to talk to his parents, he did not have the liberty of picking the phone. Food at Mess was healthy and hygienic. Also, two T.V. sets were installed at the Canteen. Ritesh wished he could watch according to his choice. The thought was futile considering the huge number of students. Most of the times, a news channel was watched (unanimously).
One such day, MJ's death was announced.
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