Damn! Here comes the destroyer of a beautiful planet. The fliers in their helicopters and electronic gadgets, robots beatified with bullets and explosives. Out here to destroy the tribal dwelling, established under a giant tree. Ecology is perfectly in equilibrium with the cool balance of birth and death of organisms. But, selfish motives must be sufficed. Humans are at it to seize the place, which could be beneficial to them.
This is the background of Avatar, the film. Well, the freshness is the love between the human mind and the indigenous lady. The result was satisfying, the nature taking on the artificial power. I can foresee the same happening out here. Slowly and acceleratingly, we are heading towards hard times. The times of shortages, scarcities, extinction to hound us. Till we reach dangerously close to the unexpected, we will keep holding our stand. Similar to the military in the film.
These days, the Save Tiger campaign has gain foothold. From 50,000 and prided as National animal of India, they are reduced to a paltry 1411 this date. People will keep killing them and selling their skins for hefty amount. Why should they worry ? The other person must! I am fan of this attitude here.
Right from the childhood, we study some useful lessons regarding the moral behavior, duties of a citizen and try to apply that in our lives. Then we see someone we respect and look forward to, lacking in this sense of conduct and wonder who’s right. We consult our elders and friends. Based on our understanding, this is the time when we may switch our stand and learn to live by the ‘practical world’.
It depends on the life at one’s place and surroundings, surely. Nobody wants to wait in a queue for long hours and miss important tasks. Thus, some may deviate and they feel they are justified in their actions. Similarly, in all the environmentally hazardous activities, we feel we are doing what we are ought to do. The purpose is to enjoy a cool life with our family and whatever way we can suffice our needs, is welcome.
The big picture is blurred. We never care to adjust it’s focus. If we wait and think, the competitive world will run over us and we’ll be left behind. That’s the case with India, a highly dense country. So what happens, everybody’s conscience is active, but most advocate it for their dear ones. No accusations, I am the culprit too.
Social networks help us realize our ‘Positive’ side. There is nothing like social expectancy pressure, the force to engage in causes which are socially desirable. As we are vast in numbers and variety, we discuss and collaborate on some meaningful work, beside fun filled activities. The twitters and facebooks’ popularity have instigated in youth’s memory, the basic do’s and don’ts to give back their bit to the society. This is what I believe, and those who don’t actually don’t realize that they also believe it. J